Salla suggestions

Abdullah Aljarboua


I have been loving the app on my salla store. However, there seem to be some missing features that, when added, would make the app better for salla stores:
1. In Salla, there is an option to add products with options (which the customer can choose). However, in Gameball, if I want to give a customer a free product that includes these options, it won't allow the product to be given, nor can I choose which option to give.
2. The referral feature is not working right now. I tried it, and I keep getting an X icon.
3. Gameball doesn't seem to work with Salla's own rating system, which means you can't give players a reward when they provide a rating.
4. Collections (تصنيفات) don't seem to sync with Gameball, which means "Buy from 3 different collections," "Buy from a specific collection," and "Buy 3 items from a specific collection" won't work because no collections were synced.
5. There seems to be a bug where sometimes a widget doesn't appear right away, and the page needs to be refreshed multiple times for the widget to appear.
6. There seems to be a huge bug where collection pages (تصنيفات) don't load products. I tried to investigate the problem by uninstalling the app, which fixed the issue. However, as soon as I reinstalled the app, the problem returned. I repeated the process multiple times with the same results.


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Gameball Team

Hi Abdullah and Khaled

We believe our team has entered a call with you to clear out all these points. However, we still would love to tackle these points for your and others reference.

- Referral can only work if you enable the account creation condition for the friend. We are currently working on enhancing this experience so that account creation is enabled by default
- Adding different variants of the same product as a coupon is a great suggestion
- We have recently gone live with salla review campaign
- Collections on salla can now be synced with Gameball

I hope the rest of the issues were clarified. Thank you for taking the time to write this!


Khaled Alsubaihin

I agree with all these suggestions, referral is not working for some reason and I believe it is a simple bug related to the POST request that happens when referees enter their email. Also, it seems that customers who made a purchase is not showing, I made a test purchase but it doesn't show on my profile


Shaimaa Salama

Post moved to this board


Gameball Team

Post moved to this board


Abdullah Aljarboua

The widget not appearing bug is caused by collection/products not appearing bug. The widget shows when the products disappear; however, the widget disappears when the products appear. I saw the console in inspect mode, and it seemed to be a 100% bug from the Gameball code.


Abdullah Aljarboua

I forgot to mention that these two bugs ruin the whole store, as customers can't see the products and therefore can't purchase or choose options. Moreover, rewards are not given consistently since the widget is not appearing therefore not working (not tracking).